TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - No my phone (Sony) is probably made in China
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Subject No my phone (Sony) is probably made in China
Posted by kickerzx on January 03, 2015 at 1:38 PM
  This message has been viewed 288 times.
In Reply To Re: Well a friend of mine have a Cosworth that he bought posted by EngineerLV on January 02, 2015 at 04:29 PM
Message but its a product designed by Sony and they have some quality control to back it up.
What i suggest is to stay away from phones that is called things like Snoy or So-ny or whatever and looks just like the real deal. Or in the Z world, stuff from companies like AMS. It IS crap..
Ill give a few examples of what the chineese industry is about incase you missed them.

Resently it was found that one of the CHINEESE phone brands had implemented spyware in the phone. This was phones in the higher end range iirc but was sold at a very low prise. Care to guess why they sell it so cheap? They want most people to choose the "just as good" but alot cheaper phone to be able to spread their shit.

Another one was one of those E-cigarettes. A company got a spybot on their system but they had a really hard time figuring where it came from. In the end it turned out that one employe had quit smoking and turned to E-cigarette. This gadget (made in china) needs power and was charged via his computers USB port. The cigarette had a code implemented that called "home" as soon as it was hooked up to the computer where it downloaded its malware.

Then there is all the other markets they spread their poison.
In clothes and kids toys for example.
There are alot of substanses and chemicals that is now illegal to use in the production of such products. However rutine controlls here in Norway (where i live, not the US) reveals violations of theese laws on a regular bases. Want to guess where 98% of the products still containing illegal chemicals originates from? Huh? I`ll give you one try.
They simply dont care at all. Sometimes im positive they have a long term plan to phuck us over beore they take over the earth. They make sure nothing works in the western world with crap products. They run our eqonomy in the ditch with their CHEAP crap (noone buys products from the west).
And they have poisoned our kids and us with tous and clohtes..
I think we might want to learn chineese pretty soon.

But yes, "everything" is made in China. But some of it does have qulitychecks and a company behind it that cares somwhat about their product. Those are not the ones i talk about.
As Tiale11 says under here in his post. He had to do stuff to his lifters to make them work. Does that give you a nice warm feeling of quality?
But by all means go ahead and help them screw us over..

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